The World’s First 100% Fresh Skincare
Designed to create radiant, glowing skin, so you can ditch the make up

This 7-step pro-age protocol is stunning for skin of all ages.
Here's our new guide on how to achieve this vibrant natural look in time for the holidays.
Tip 1. Exfoliate to stimulate cell regeneration
Over time, makeup, environmental pollution, dirt and oil can accumulate in your pores, making your skin look dull and slowing your skin’s natural regeneration process.
Gentle scrubs will remove dirt or pollutants without removing your natural moisture, unveiling fresh, clean skin.
Scrubs can be used frequently, depending on how coarse they are and how your skin responds.
Try the quick and simple homemade scrub recipe at the bottom of this page, that can usually be used 2-3 times a week. Alternatively try our Formula Flawless F34 Luxury, Delicate, Rose Resurfacing Face Scrub.
Try this revolutionary Delicate rose resurfacing Scrub
For all skin types. Rose petals, rose oil, rose hips, rosehip oil and primrose combine in this delicate organic rose resurfacing face, hand and neck scrub. Finest grains melt away impurities, improving the cellular turnover of skin and toning pores. Aloe vera hydrates and nourishes, with pomegranate oil to plump and soften your skin for a refined, soft, youthful, silky glow and exquisite complexion.
Tip 2. Moisturize daily with deep hydration serum
As we pass our 30’s our skin produces less oil.
But the toxins in our environment can impact us at any age as do sun rays, cleaning chemicals, our emotional state and the levels of processed foods we eat.
So the earlier we start moisturizing the better. Deeply moisturizing your face can help you replace the natural oils you may have lost and protect your skin against the toxins around you.
We suggest trying an all-natural moisturizer designed to nourish and protect your skin.
Try our F3, which Rae uses twice a day to plump, hydrate and reduce wrinkles. It literally feeds your skin with natural goodness.
Try our best seller - F3 deep hydration serum
For all skin types. Best for those over 30. Each drop of 100% fresh, rich F3 Deep Hydrating and Pluming Serum contains all the ingredients and nutrients your skin needs to look and feel more vibrant than ever. Deeply hydrating, nourishing and plumping for a radiant, dewey complexion.
Tip 3. Take time to give your beautiful skin the stimulation it requires.
Face massage releases habitual tension. Tension slows down and often blocks the flow of essential blood cells and nutrients in the face, leaving the skin looking dull and lifeless and creating deep lines and wrinkles over time.
These can be improved and possibly even removed naturally with a specific Yogic face massage routine.
Here’s a masterclass training video where Rae shows you this exact technique.
This can be practised once or twice a week to greatly improve your skin over time. Click on the link below to access this training.

Tip 4. Protect yourself from the daily wear and tear of free-radicals all around us.
Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances that help to stop or reduce the effect of oxidation on cells.
When an apple turns brown, that’s oxidation. This browning process is very similar to the effects of oxidation on skin, which makes the skin look dry and dull.
Antioxidants help to reduce the risk of damage caused by free radicals, calming inflammation, reducing hyper-pigmentation, helping with sun damage, firming and brightening the skin and promoting a glowing, healthy look.
Reducing inflammation also promotes a more even skin tone and helps keep acne and wrinkles at bay.
All of our products include various percentages of naturally occurring antioxidants. Formula Flawless ‘Just Fruit’ skin serum and ‘Skin Glow’ Vitamin C spray with Aloe are superstars in the battle against free radicals.
Protect from free-radicals and clear your complextion.
Each drop of perfectly rejuvenating 100% fresh, rich Formula Flawless F14 Antioxidant Overnight Recovery Serum contains all the ingredients and nutrients your skin needs to brighten uneven skin. Perfect for all skin types, and visibly reduces uneven skin tone and pigmentation in just a few applications, this antioxidant overnight recovery serum softens, balances and brightens for a clear, glowing complexion.
Tip 5. Pay special care to the area around your eyes
The area around your eyes is very delicate, and the skin here has the least elasticity of anywhere in the body.
Avoid rubbing your eyes when sleepy, and pulling the skin when applying eye makeup as this will only make the skin look saggy.
To improve the condition, and repair the delicate skin around the eyes, use an eye cream that deeply nourishes and brings down puffiness, while plumping this tender area.
Our Formula Flawless F22 eye cream is the perfect solution, and you keep it in the fridge for the added soothing benefit of the cryo effect.
Try this delicate Eye Plumping and Lifting Cream
Organic Luxury Eye Pluming and Lifting Cream immediately rejuvenates the under eye area, lifting sagging skin, reducing puffiness and dark circles and delivering powerful nourishment to encourage more lift with regular use. This high performance eye cream lifting of the delicate under-eye skin, while hydrating and plumping, so you can go confidently make-up free!
Tip 6. Give your skin a natural lift
The structural layer of the skin breaks down over time, certain areas start to sag and we see the shape of the face change.
To target this layer of skin, we need a specific combination of molecule sizes that penetrate deep into the foundational areas.
Most creams and serums on the market either don’t penetrate to this level, or actually sit on the service, doing little more than creating a preservative-laden barrier.
Formula Flawless F12 Skin Serum is designed specifically to penetrate deep into the structural level, and provide the right molecules to support and lift the skin.
When combined with face massage this can help rejuvenate the changes caused by gravity, and the degenerative cycle of collagen breakdown.
For lifting and Toning
F12 Intense Lifting Serum contains all the ingredients and nutrients your skin needs to look and feel more vibrant than ever and help reverse the effects of gravity. This serum nourishes the production of collagen and lifts, tones, firms and tightens by supporting your skin's structure and integrity.
Tip 7. Enjoy the benefits of a good clay face mask
Face masks are like a workout for your skin. Clay face masks pull the blood up towards the skin, and draw out impurities.
Clay masks also shrink pores, and remove blackheads, caused by oil, dirt and makeup that gets lodged in your pores, which makes them become larger.
Weekly clay masks are an excellent addition to a pro-age skincare routine.
The Formula Flawless F46 Activated Charcoal Detox Mask withdraws impurities and detoxes while removing decayed and dead skin cells. Pore refining and brightening, this mask refreshes the skin to prepare for hydration.
The large porous surface of this clay charcoal mask absorbs impurities of the skin and filters or balances oil and water levels for healthier, more vibrant skin, all while minimising pore size.
After application, your skin will appear smoother, brighter and will be softer to the touch.
Clinic Level Rejuvenation
The F46 Activated Charcoal Detoxification and Brightening Mask, extracts impurities and detoxes while removing decayed and dead skin cells. Pore refining and brightening, F46 delivers clinic level refreshment to the skin to improve absorption for hydration while also giving a smoother, brighter and softer surface.
Is there a woman who hasn’t tried to hide her skin with make-up?
The whole idea behind Formula Flawless is to simplify life by not needing cover-up, so that your are always confident in your own skin.
Formula Flawless is a revolution in skincare.
Whereas other companies are constantly complicating using chemicals we are simplifying back to nature.
And nature works!
We are the world’s first 100% fresh skincare company.
When people are happy within their skin, everything changes, emotionally, physically and spiritually. They raise themselves and those around them.
This matters so much to us.
Happiness appears as an inner radiance, and by making the skin healthy this inner radiance shines for all to see.
The only way of achieving this is by avoiding the use of products that contain chemicals, additives, bulking agents and preservatives!
Helps with fatigued, uneven, gravity-effected skin, wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation. Improves the structural level of the skin to support facial fullness. Ideal for those who want to rejuvenate sagging while lifting, brightening, smoothing and tightening the skin of the face, neck and decolletage.
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A healthy body needs good natural, fresh, unprocessed food and healthy skin needs good, natural, fresh nourishment.
Your skin is the largest organ in your body.It “eats” anything that’s put on it. Skincare products are absorbed straight into your body.
The Skincare Industry sells us on the ingredients they have in their products.
They say they are natural, free-from nasties or even fresh.
And they focus on certain qualities of the natural ingredients they have within each product.
But what they don't say, is that the products are also full of bulking agents, chemicals, fillers such as water & glycerine to maximize profits and chemicals & preservatives to maintain shelf life.
None of these are any good for our skin. In fact, over time, these can harm our skin and speed up the ageing process. Our products are 100% fresh and prepared weekly on our own Lab in Applegate, Oregon.
The difference is deep nourishing 'superfood' for our skin' and an unmistakable flawless radiant glow.

Plant Based,
Organically Sourced,
often Wild-Crafted Ingredients.
Ingredients that are kind on your body and great for your skin.
No Compromise
We believe that no one should have to compromise their health for beauty. Formula Flawless is dedicated to 100 % fresh, organic, pure skin nourishment without the nasty toxins, preservatives, fillers and additives used throughout the skincare industry to preserve shelf-life.

In my 20’s I suffered from extreme acne, in my 30's I suffered from age spots, dry skin, red patches and wrinkles!
I was traveling the world, teaching Yoga and tried all kinds of skincare products, including the most expensive at fancy shops in the airports but nothing worked for me.
To solve my own skin problems, I used my background in organic chemistry and combined this with decades of study in Yoga and Ayurveda.
When I discovered what worked I started sharing with others. First serums, then creams, scrubs and face masks and people kept writing to me talking about how these worked so well for them and quickly.
This was a pivotal moment, because when I saw how so many people transformed life-long issues in a short amount of time I had a choice to make. And Formula Flawless was born.
There are a few rules that I formulate by. The first rule is freshness. The second rule is no fillers, which only dilute the product. The third is no nasty poisonous preservatives I use natural probiotics, which are good for the skin, to retain freshness.
My skincare is based on one key principle - Everything has to be something I would use on my own skin, which means it's made fresh with the highest efficacy and vitality. This presented a challenge to overcome, because most companies mass produce and store in warehouses for up to 3 years.
I had to design a way of getting fresh skincare to customers within just a few weeks of formulation. The benefit for you is that your skin enjoys organic fresh nourishment.
I've realized I could make a huge difference in people's lives creating fresh skincare products that retain the vital force of nature. Currently, we are a boutique, artisanal lab based in Southern Oregon.
This means that everyone of your purchases supports my vision which disrupts an industry that only benefits itself on the backs of people's hope for good skin. Are you ready for the future of skincare?
Rae Indigo
Try Making Your Own Scrub
Face, Lips, Hand and Foot Scrub - Homemade Recipe
Honey is a natural antioxidant and antibacterial that will moisturize the skin. Lemons are rich in AHAs and BHAs, which remove dead skin cells, clearing up and lightening the skin. A natural antioxidant with astringent qualities - due to its high pH levels, lemon can decrease oil on the skin and reduce inflammation.
This is as effective,but gentle scrub. Enjoy!
• 1 tbsp. raw organic honey
• 1 tbsp. finely ground rolled oats
• 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
• 1 tbsp. fine brown sugar
1. In a small bowl, mix raw honey, ground oats, fresh lemon juice and fine brown sugar until well blended.
2. Leaning over the sink or in the shower, wet your face and hands, then apply the mixture to lips, face and hands, adding extra water as needed. Spend one minute gently massaging into each area.
3. Wash off with warm water followed by a cool rinse.
Apply a lip balm afterwards, and a gentle, nourishing serum on face.
Try our line of 100% natural skincare by FORMULA FLAWLESS! You’ll love it.
All Formula Flawless Products are tailor-made for those who choose nature over chemicals.
We care about making our products safe and healthy for you and our planet.
Anyone can have allergies.
If you have any discomfort or a rash develops, discontinue use and consult your physician.